
郑宏运 马旺林 李谷成 | 有机土壤改良剂采纳及其对农业生产绩效的影响:来自中国小麦种植户的证据

三农学术 2022-12-31

Zheng, Hongyun, Ma, Wanglin, and Li, Gucheng.(2020). Adoption of organic soil amendments and its impact on farm performance: evidence from wheat farmers in China. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Forthcoming




摘要:本研究基于中国558个小麦种植户的调研数据,分析了有机肥和农家肥等有机土壤改良剂(Organicsoil amendments)采纳的影响因素以及采纳对作物产量和净收益的影响。本文利用内生转换回归模型控制由可观测性因素和不可观测性因素造成的选择偏误问题。实证结果表明,家庭规模、抚养比、机械拥有情况和无偿劳动力可得性等是影响有机土壤改良剂采纳的重要因素,有机土壤改良剂采纳对小麦产量和净收益有显著正向的影响。有机土壤改良剂采纳可以增加约22%的小麦产量和24%的净收益。此外,针对生产规模的异质性分析表明,与小规模种植户相比,大规模种植户采纳有机土壤改良剂可以获得更高的小麦产量和净收益


This study examines the determinants of adoption of organic soil amendments (OSAs) such as organic fertiliser and farmyard manure and its impact on crop yields and net returns, using household survey data of 558 wheat farmers in China. We employ an endogenous switching regression model to account for selection bias stemming from both observable and unobservable factors. The empirical results show that household size, dependency ratio, machine ownership and non‐paid labour are main factors that determine farmers’ decision to adopt OSA, and the OSA adoption has a positive and statistically significant impact on wheat yields and net returns. In particular, the treatment effects of OSA adoption are to increase wheat yields and net returns by appropriately 22 and 24 per cent, respectively. Moreover, disaggregated analysis by farm size reveals that large‐scale households tend to obtain higher wheat yields and net returns than their small‐scale counterparts.



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